Get Started

Get started

A. Learn basics

Set up your first test profile

Before getting started, read the Introduction to Truugo to understand use cases and benefits. In essence, Truugo empowers organizations to boost efficiency and quality in their message documentation, testing, quality assurance and test reporting routines, leading to significant time and resource savings.

Try Truugo by yourself, and once you are assured of its benefits, it is easy to extend it to a team solution and add self-service options for trading partners.

Sign up to the Truugo portal and follow the instructions to use Profile Editor to create a test profile for message documentation and validation. To fully leverage the benefits of Truugo, we recommend specifying detailed requirements. However, even a simplest test profile surpasses schema validation by assisting users also in resolving time-consuming syntax issues.

B. Get into details

Add case-specific requirements

Schema validation does not cover most data quality requirements. Furthermore, most data interchange formats are loose, and detailed requirements are specified on an industry and company level. Truugo helps fill these gaps by providing tools to add detailed, case-specific requirements.

We recommend providing a few message samples during the profile setup to facilitate a highly automated process, leading to substantial time savings. Subset Editor helps specify most requirements using an intuitive (no-code) interface. Additionally, professional Truugo features allow advanced users to incorporate complex business and integrity rules.

If you are busy or need help, get an efficient start with professional assistance to experience the full benefits before making a long-term commitment.

C. Enable self-service

Provide a self-test tool for trading partners

Enable efficient deployments by providing an easy self-test tool for your trading partners.

Start the deployment process (supplier/customer onboarding) by allowing your trading partners to validate their messages as a self-service. That saves time and resources, improves scheduling, enhances data quality, and lets your EDI professionals concentrate on more meaningful tasks.

The Truugo Test Form solution provides an easy self-test tool for message validation. Send invitations to your trading partners, and Truugo will inform you once they are ready to move forward. You can follow their progress in real-time via your admin interface.

D. Automate routines

Automate validation routines using API

Integrate Truugo validation seamlessly into your existing processes by using our validation API.

By using API, you enable harmonized user experience, precisely the same test feedback, to your trading partners in all use cases: deployment, quality assurance (after system/version update), help desk responses, and instant feedback on production issues.

For high volumes and special requirements, we can offer a dedicated Truugo environment, as a SaaS or OnPremise solution. Please contact us for more details.

Read more about API.